I am sure you have heard the recent discourse on Obama's Nationalized Health Care plan. If not, check yourself. The volume and the discourse has recently been turned up to 11 as Congressmen return home to their districts in attempts to "sell the plan". Much to their dismay, they are being met by hundreds (soon to be thousands, maybe millions) of angry Americans who are letting their voices be heard. Here are a couple YouTube videos that exemplify the anger.
You can search the web and find many, many more examples of Congressmen who are having to 'face the music' in regard to the horrid plan that they have constructed.
However, the left wing lunatic fringe (Rachel Maddow in particular) has recently said that those who have met these Congressmen and voiced their concern (and anger) are "GOP Thugs" who have been hired by "lobbyists and Dick Armey". Are you upset by the prospect of having Nationalized Health Care? If you answer yes, then you are obviously a GOP Thug. Does that logic make any sense at all to you? Of course it doesn't. It was cooked up by a left wing LOON!!
The Lib-tards and Obama-trons will stop at NOTHING to get their programs enacted. They will marginalize, name call and question your intelligence all in the name of seeding the country over to government control. Maddow, Chris Mathews, Keith Olberman and MSNBC are just examples of the HACK liberal journalism that exists out there virtually everywhere. And it is very apparent that they and their liberal cohorts are incapable of understanding the grassroots revolution that is beginning to take place in this country. To suggest that the people who oppose Nationalized Health Care, Cap and Tax, et. al. are merely GOP whackos is to discount the very nature of the revolutionary spirit that this country was founded upon. Furthermore, are we not guaranteed our right to protest, to speak our minds and to petition the government? The Lib-tards seem to think that if the messiah speaks it, or if the liberals in Congress think it, then it MUST be good for the country. If they want to lay down (and I am sure that some of them "lay down" for just about anybody) for this administration, that is their business. However, to demean and insult the rest of us who do still believe in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is a gross underestimation of this country's insight and voice.
Be silent NO MORE!!! Find out when your Congressman is planning to hold a townhall meeting and attend. If they are going to play coward (and many of them are planning to avoid the townhall meeting format), check this website and get involved. August 22 is the official date for the "RECESS RALLY". http://recessrally.com