Something happened recently that concerns all those who 'study' history. You may or may not be familiar with the Department of Homeland Security's issuance of 'The Right-Wing Extremist Report' or the subsequent 'Lexicon of Domestic Extremists'. If not, here's the skinny.
Janet Napolitano and DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) has spent sometime identifying those people who they consider a threat to the safety and security of this country. A reasonable job for such an office? You bet. The only problem is, those on the list are AMERICANS. What? Believe it. Identified and named on the list are those who
support anti-abortion legislation, oppose gun control, oppose gay marriage, favor more border security or who have participated in recent anti-tax rallies (the TEA Parties on April 15). Still don't believe it? Here's the link. See for yourself.
But the idiocy doesn't stop there. DHS issued the 'Lexicon of Domestic Extremists' a few days later and identified EXACTLY what they meant in the previous Right-Wing Extremist Report. Inluded in the lexicon are groups like
'Christian patriots, Constitutionalists, anti-immigration groups (like those who oppose giving illegals driver's licences), and the
Sovereign Citizens Movement'. Here is the link for you to see.
http://video1.washingtontimes.com/video/lexicon.pdfNow, why should this concern YOU? And what of the 'Historical' importance of this event (as I mentioned above? Well, about 80 years ago in a land far away, there was a dictator who knew that there were those who would oppose his every move once they figured out what his real intentions were. So, he organized a private police force to be run by the government (him) and set about identifying those 'groups' that he knew would balk at his proposals. This group was given the authority to investigae cases regarding treason, espionage and sabotage but was also given the power to imprison people without judicial proceedings. No one thought the lesser of it, and, in time, the group became a public fixture. The group began by 'identifying' so-called 'enemies of the state' but soon, these people were not just being identified. They were being identified and led off to camps, which were also under the control of this police force.
Still curious as to the Historical importance?
Well, the description that I have just given is a general outline of Hitler's
Gestapo which was born in 1933 and was a source of fear, hate and depravity in Nazi Germany throughout WWII.
Can you see why "identifying" citizens of this country (which in itself is a violation of the Constitution) is a dangerous game? Can you see how this game of identification can soon be turned into a game of removal of Constitutional rights (like due process and habeus corpus)? Can you see that it is time for all of we Americans to start paying attention to this two-bit dictator who occupies the White House?
If you don't see the logic in this, the Historical parallels or the can of worms that this issue opens, then you are either a closet Nazi, or a person who didn't pay attention in History class.