Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Red & Blue States: Economic Forecasting Made Easy

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released unemployment rates for March 2009 to ‘non-existent’ media attention (more on that some other time). And guess what? The HIGHEST rates of unemployment in the country are found in BLUE (that’s democrat/progressive) states. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=98569

Now, what can we extrapolate or forecast by these numbers? This one is easy. If your state is dominated by dems/progs, you have a better than 50-50 chance that your state will, if it isn’t already, operate in the RED. That means that your state will essentially HAVE to cut programs in order to ‘balance the budget’. Where will those cuts come? That will depend on your left-wing loon state legislature.

For example, look at California and its “Govern-ator” (Yah, I’ll crush you with my large biceps until you wail like a little girly man). They are trying to balance the budget by selling San Quentin (a state prison), legalizing the recreational use of marijuana (as a source of tax revenue), and lay off some 50,000 teachers and release ‘non-violent’ inmates from CA prisons. http://gov.ca.gov/press-release/12307/

What? Yes. As the Metallica song says, Sad But True.

So, where is our country headed under the current progressive leadership in Congress and in the White House? You need look no farther than ‘The Golden State’ for an example. Unable to fund the out of control spending by a left-wing loon state legislature, the state is on the verge of bankruptcy. Things have gotten so bad in CA that the state is having an increasingly difficult time selling its bonds to prospective investors (including other U.S. state governments). The state of CA has solved this problem by selling the bonds to the Bay Area Toll Authority (owned by the state). CA’s credit rating has been downgraded from A+ to just plain A, the LOWEST bond rating in the country. An honor CA shares with Louisiana. Can you smell economic MELDOWN?

So, as long as Congress and the Dali-Bama are going to spend OUR hard-earned tax dollars on meaningless programs (you don’t really want me to list them all do you?), we are headed for the economic abyss. Hopefully, your state is taking measures now to insulate itself from the long arm of the Federal government by signing on to the Patrick Henry Foundation, a 10th Amendment group who opposes the ultra micro-managing coming from Washington, DC. And, hopefully, your state will be changing its color in 2010.

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