Admit it...We DO live in a POP CULTURE nation. As much as it might work to the detriment of our nation and as trivial as “whose got the #1 record in the nation” is, we ARE (sometimes to a fault) tied into what happens to our ‘pop icons’.
Let’s forget for a moment what the lasting legacy that this ‘pop society’ means to us as we go forward in our great nation. Let’s instead, focus on the obvious for a moment.
Let’s look at the rash of recent passings and simply try to remember--whether you ‘liked’ these people or not or whether you believed that they ‘contributed’ in a positive way to our society--that they were VERY important people to many people. Let’s remember that these people were fathers or mothers, aunts or uncles, brothers or sisters, sons or daughters. Their passings mean that friends and family are suffering the loss of a loved one. They are trying to put the pieces of their lives back together and trying to fill a void that has been left by their loss.
And, let us pray.
Ed McMahon (June 23)--Johnny Carson side-kick from 1962-1992
Farrah Fawcett (June 24)--Actress most remembered for 'Charlie's Angels'
Michael Jackson (June 24)--The King of Pop
Billy Mays (June 28)--Infomercial King
Karl Malden (July 1)--Actor most remembered for American Express' "Don't Leave Home Without It"
David Carradine (June 3)--Actor most remembered for "Kung Fu"
Steve McNair (July 4)--Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens QB
Robert MnNamara (July 6)--not a 'pop' icon--Defense Secretary during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations
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