Happy Independence Day!! Thank the Lord that we live in the free-est, most democratic nation (still) on earth. Thank God that we live in a land where our rights are (still) protected and that all people are given the opportunities to make something of themselves in our society.
Now, for the latest issue concerning YOU and ME this 4th of July...
Take cover my friends, Kim Jung Il has vowed to launch (test) rockets AT the state of Hawaii on the 4th of July. This AFTER North Korea has threatened to 'weaponize' its supplies of plutonium (used in manufacturing nuclear weapons), violated a United Nations resolution by allegedly 'moving' rocket parts, nuclear technology or other sensitive material to other countries in the region (the USS John McCain is in pursuit), AND calling President 'Obummer' (and the United States) out by saying, "If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all." Obummer's reaction? Wait for it...Wait for it...Wait for it...NOTHING!! No condemnation, no ramping up the rhetoric (where the HELL is Ronald Reagan when you need him) and little discussion to the American people about quelling fears or doubt. Nope. Instead, he had a luau at the White House and threw softballs at the dunk tank. Seriously? Do you people still believe that this guy is competent to serve as our President? Do you believe that he has the SAFETY of our nation as his primary role? Or is he MORE concerned with getting some kind of socialist agenda passed (nationalized health care, cap and trade, and amnesty).
So, this 4th of July, make sure you keep your head down and stay close to your bomb shelter.
"And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air..."
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