I'm on a roll...2 entries in LESS than 24 hours...Don't stop me now...
Ann Ryand’s book “Atlas Shrugged” begins with the famous line, “Who is Jon Galt?” The question today should be, “Who is Gerald Walpin?”
The answer? Well, Walpin WAS the inspector general for the Corporation for National Community Service, another “community organizing program” created in 1993. According to their own website (http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/role_impact/history.asp), the CNCS hopes to “connect Americans of all ages and backgrounds with opportunities to give back to their communities and their nation”. Sound legitimate and noble enough. Right? Well, as with ALL the other legislation, bailouts and hair-brained schemes that this administration cooks up, this story of the firing of Walpin smells (like an onion) the more you peel away the veneer.
For those who do not know, an Inspector General is a high ranking official charged with the mission to inspect and report on some bodies in their field of competency within the Federal government. In other words, they are a ‘watchdog’ for the taxpayers and citizens of this country. Federally, there are 64 Offices of Inspectors General and their activities include the detection and prevention of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of the government programs and operations within their parent organizations. The positions are generally believed to be non-partisan. However, they do answer to Congress and the White House.
Last Wednesday night, Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired. And NOBODY is talking about this as anything except that it is ‘just another day in Obama-land’. Walpin was fired, according to the letter written by Obama, because he (Obama) had “lost faith” in Walpin’s ability to do his job. Now what does that mean? Well, could it have something to do with the fact that Walpin had discovered that a well-known Obama ‘hack’ (
Walpin found that Johnson and St. HOPE had failed to use the federal money they received for the purposes specified in a grant and had also used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." Walpin came to the conclusion that Johnson and St. HOPE should be subject to suspension and debarment. In September 2008, the order was given to suspend future grants to St. Hope, with the distinct possibility that it would lead to a permanent debarment from receiving future federal funds. Walpin’s investigation could have led to Johnson being barred from EVER winning another federal grant or might have prevented
Enter our hero, BARRY SOTERO. Before the suspension or debarment could go through, Walpin was FIRED. The firing is par for the course for this administration; “Don’t like it? You’re gone. Don’t approve? You’re gone. QUESTION MY AUTHORITY? You’re gone.” However, BARRY SOTERO has really stepped in it with this one. The firing may have been ILLEGAL. Under rules and regulations passed just last year by (Democrat-led) Congress, inspectors generals MUST be given 30 days notice of their impending termination AND the president MUST outline, in specific detail, why they want the offending inspector general fired. Neither of these has taken place.
Does BARRY really believe that he can operate outside the law? Well, as long as his ‘cult of personality’ continues and there are those who view him and his ‘lunatic fringe’ policies as both saviors of the American way of life, the pain will continue.
Here you can find your ray of sunshine…AND your DISINFECTANT!!
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